AIFF Converter

Convert AIFF Audio to any other music file formats online and free

How to convert AIFF online

Upload audio

Upload AIFF file from your device memory or cloud or via URL

Convert it

When uploading is complete, choose the desired file format and press the convert button

Download file

Once converting is finished you can easily download the new file to your device.

Convert to AIFF

Convert from AIFF

AIFF Converter AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)

The AIFF extension is an audio format file developed by Apple Computer in 1988 based on Electronic Arts' IFF format, and is most commonly used in Apple Macintosh computers. Contains CD-quality audio that is stored in an uncompressed lossless format. The content of the file is uncompressed PCM data, a digitized analog audio signal. Like any uncompressed file, AIFF files take up much more disk space than their compressed counterparts: one minute of stereo audio at 44.1 kHz sampling rate and 16 bits takes about 10 MB. The standard file extension is .AIFF or .AIF, for the compressed version the .AIFC extension must be used. AIFFs are widely supported and can store LPCM, they are suitable file formats for storing and archiving the original recording.