MP3 Converter

Convert MP3 Audio to any other music file formats online and free

How to convert MP3 online

Upload audio

Upload MP3 file from your device memory or cloud or via URL

Convert it

When uploading is complete, choose the desired file format and press the convert button

Download file

Once converting is finished you can easily download the new file to your device.

Convert to MP3

Convert from MP3

MP3 Converter MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III)

Popular compression and lossy format with small file size and far from the highest sound quality. The emergence of the MP3 format was made possible by the joint efforts of a development team of almost 40 people who have been working on the project for several years. Compared to lossy files, MP3 songs take up much less disk space thanks to a special algorithm. Other advantages of MP3 include excellent compatibility with various programs and audio devices. Despite the fact that, due to the age of MP3, today it does not shine with compression efficiency, its popularity remains very high due to its versatility - the extension is supported on any operating system, a lot of both standard and specialized multimedia software plays this file format. MP3 files can be created with high or low bit rate, which affects the quality of the resulting file. The principle of compression is to reduce the accuracy of some parts of the sound stream, which is almost indistinguishable to most people's ears.